Sunday, February 11, 2018

Philadelphia Trash Talk: An Education on Sanitation

A teacher who once taught at Bensalem High School often recalled the day he chewed-out a misbehaving student.

It happened in the 1960s in an older building than the current high school. The teacher’s classroom windows looked out onto a cement courtyard where large trashcans awaited pickup.

As the teacher blasted the boy’s behavior, he noticed the trash truck outside and a man in dirty work clothes dumping the cans.

“Look out there,” said the teacher. “Is that what you want? Huh? Do you want to be a garbage man when you leave here – picking up trash all day for a living?” 

A female student sitting up front suddenly broke out in tears.
Why are you crying,” the stunned teacher asked.  
“That’s my father,” she blubbered.