Sunday, April 1, 2018

Philadelphians Mean Peace

How mean and ornery are Philadelphians?
So mean and tough that even the PACIFISTS are two-fisted brawlers.

Want proof?
A headline in the Philadelphia Record on May 31, 1934 read:
Policeman Felled by Young Pacifists In Mid-City Fight.
The story explained about “50 pacifists celebrating Youth Day Against War and Fascism were parading at 11th and Market and throwing circulars in violation of a city ordinance against littering.”
Patrolman John O’Donnell stepped in to stop the littering and was promptly socked in the jaw starting a melee that lasted 15 action-packed minutes and prompted a riot call which brought two police wagons and more cops to the scene.

“Even that wasn’t enough to quell the rioters,” said the news story. “Two more loads of reinforcements” were called into the battle.

It ended with 19 arrests and officer O’Donnell suffering cuts and a swollen jaw – proving that Philly pacifists are a separate breed.